The idea dates at least to the early Confucian times (551–479 BCE), according to Rushworth Kidder, who identifies the concept appearing prominently in Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, and "the rest of the world's major religions" 143 leaders of the world's major faiths endorsed the Golden Rule as part of the 1993 "DeclarationSenchou's Golden Rule B has been upgraded to The Dashing Golden Rule A New effect Grant self Buster Up (3 turns) New effect Grant self Ignore Defense (3百科事典マイペディア 黄金律の用語解説 英語でGolden Rule。キリストが山上の垂訓中に示したとされるキリスト教の根本的倫理。すなわち,〈なにごとでも人びとからしてもらいたいことは,すべてそのとおり人びとにもしてあげなさい〉(《マタイによる福音書》7:12,《ルカによる福 投资定律 黄金分割律 快资讯 黄金律